Tinder Historic
Web under development...
Twitter Bot
A Twitter bot can be used with the following objectives:
- Outreach: Increase awareness of XAC tasks by promoting interactivity with the public.
- Collection: Gather data from the public through crowdsourcing using familiar social media channels.
- Service: Provide image dating service for anyone with curiosity.
@eau_de_gespa - From similar images, I estimate this one was taken around 1957 with an uncertainty of 9.4 years. pic.twitter.com/ENl4m6on2U
— DEW-Estimator (@DEWEstimator) June 22, 2021
The Heritage Intelligent Support Tool for the Comarcal Archives Network (HIST4XAC) is a web visualization tool and data profiler designed to provide archivists and social scientists with a collection of services and utilities based on deep learning and computer vision. The tool incorporates information search tools for large volumes of data and enables the estimation of dates for the analyzed documents and images.
Automatic Heritage Annotation
Web under development...
Image Collection Projectors
Explore the distribution of a given set of data and model using the Heritage Projector. The Heritage Projector is a visualization tool that allows you to analyze and interact with image collections. It provides features like captioning and retrieval using a Flask service.
Explore the Heritage Projector repository on GitHub: https://github.com/EauDeData/cvc-dataset-projector
Com ensenyem els ordinadors a llegir documents demogrĂ fics? I a relacionar una mateixa persona en documents diferents?
— CVC_UAB (@CVC_UAB) May 17, 2023
👉 Ho explica @adreau_ #CVC a través del projecte @XarxaRecerCaixa! #ExperimentAI pic.twitter.com/HNiUfdJJLR
Involved in "Xarxes": A social network for our history.